Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Daniel Cabrera, I Think I Love You

Daniel, I know what your thinking. What could a Major League starting pitcher who only speaks a little English and a third year law student possibly have in common. Well, more than you might think.

Yes, you were born in the Dominican Republic and I was born here in the US, but that would work out well for us. I love to travel and all things international, and if we got married it would be a lot easier for you to get American citizenship. Also, we're both trying to establish ourselves in our fields. True you look like you have finally turned a corner and are making $1.8 million a season, while I'm interning trying to find a good job doing policy, but by next summer we could both have secure jobs. You'll be a baseball ace and I'll be a policy ace. Also, I will have a law degree, and lets be honest, at some point you will probably need a good lawyer for something. I mean you are a professional athlete with a bit of a temper. (You were once suspended for throwing a pitch at a guys head)

Also, while you are over a foot taller than me, (I'm 5'3" and you're 6'9") thats not a problem. I like tall guys. I'll buy some bigger heels and it'll work out fine. Plus, I'll never have to worry about not being able to reach the stuff on the top shelf again.

Furthermore, you came up through the Orioles farm system. I grew up as an Orioles fan. The O's are the only professional team either of us has ever known. And while I would still root for you if we were dating and you got traded, I think you would understand that the Orioles will always be my team.

Also, I can deal with your inconsistencies. If you approach dating anything like you have played out your career thus far. You started out your career with the Orioles by pitching a one hitter. Then you finished third in votes for rookie of the year. I would compare this to the beginning of a relationship. You'd be awesome and I'd totally fall for you. But then over time you'd drop off. You'd mean well but you wouldn't always show up. Like in your second and third years with the Orioles where sometimes you'd be dominant and strike out 10 but other times you'd walk 9. As long as you throw in that dominant performance from time to time, I, like the Orioles, would be unwilling to give up on you. I know you're trying, you just need some time. I would think back to that wonderful beginning and write off those bad times as not the real you.

And finally you would come around and validate my waiting. This year, you finally seem to have it together. You've pitched great. (Everybody is allowed to have a few bad days.) You seem to have control and poise on the mound. You're calm, you get the outs and you win. And right now it seems like you can only get better. So after all the time waiting and supporting you, you are finally ready to commit and do what it takes to win. And I'm ok with that. I'll give you the time you need. It might take a little while with the language barrier and all.

So, if your interested, let me know. I think it could really be great.